Friday June 17th, 2016
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
2016 DaylightHour - Full Length Video
2016 Daylight Hour: Impact
The 2016 Daylight Hour campaign was a phenomenal success! Here at Building Energy Exchange we would like to thank you for participating and helping to make it such a great event. This year there were over 650 participating offices in 20 countries around the world.
By turning off the lights for one hour in day-lit spaces, you showcased your dedication to sustainability while saving energy and money. Together our combined efforts managed to save 147, 071 kWh and offset the GHG emissions produced by 8000 cars in one day. While doing all this, we raised awareness about the availability of daylight in offices among a huge pool of industry stakeholders. We definitely couldn’t have achieved all this without your help.
Visit the official Daylight Hour website,, to learn more about this initiative.