Decarbonizing New York City Offices Project
Prioritizing Energy Efficiency and Health in NYC Office Buildings While Addressing a Changing Workplace — Advancing New York’s ambitious plan to fight climate change amid an office landscape transformed by a global pandemic, NYSERDA has launched a robust initiative to drive sustained decarbonization of leased office spaces.

Primer Trainings
Live Training
On-Demand Training
Explore the suite of project resources designed to help commercial real estate stakeholders at critical phases of the leasing cycle reduce energy use and carbon emissions in office spaces!
If you have questions about the Decarbonizing NYC Offices project or its resources, contact us directly at:
Which playbook is right for you? — Explore the curated guidance and resources for key commercial real estate stakeholders.
Each Stakeholder Playbook provides office tenants, building owners & managers, and consultants with actionable information to help prioritize energy efficiency and emissions reduction strategies across various phases of the commercial leasing cycle.
Stay up-to-date on Decarbonizing NYC Office-related news and information!