1. Share your favorite energy factoid.
New York State has the lowest total energy consumption per capita in the country, because of New York City’s extensive transit system. But it also has some of the oldest buildings with the longest life spans in the country, which leaves tons of room for energy improvement in that area.
2. What energy conservation campaign would you start in your office or want to share with other offices?
I would love to decrease vampire energy consumption, as well as making sure buildings are as comfortably heated and lit as possible. Especially with office space expanding in parts of Brooklyn, I would love to see these buildings designed and created with that in mind. Additionally, I would love to have super waste sorting in an office space! Material consumption is also a form of energy consumption.
3. What are you currently reading?
Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
4. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?
I cook less meat, take my compost to a local collection, and turn off the AC during the majority of the day. I also do very full loads of laundry and am mindful of using too much water.
5. What is your personal superpower?
Staying hydrated!