Wednesday October 28th, 2020
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Full video for "Climate Mobilization Act Series: Raising the Bar for Affordable Housing" on October 28, 2020
Few sectors of the building industry are poised to benefit more from energy efficiency retrofits than affordable housing. From significant gains in indoor air quality, and lower utility bills, to greater resilience in the face of disruptive events like brownouts and flooding–high performance buildings will play a critical role in raising the quality of life for communities everywhere.
Our panel will discuss the current requirements that affordable housing segments must meet to comply with Local Law 97 of the Climate Mobilization Act, as well as where Local Law 97 may be headed, given pending legislation before the NYC Council. The panel will also identify different retrofit strategies that provide the most important benefits for the occupants of affordable housing, challenges that exist, in addition to state efforts to assist affordable housing with the implementation of clean energy measures. Panelists will represent the efforts of major national programs like Energy Efficiency for All, the progressive efforts of City and State agencies, as well as key private sector stakeholders.
Opening Remarks
Donna DeCostanzo, Director, Northeast Energy and Sustainable Communities, Natural Resources Defense Council
Jared Rodriguez, Principal, Emergent Urban Concepts
Valerie Strauss, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Association for Energy Affordability
Jennifer Leone, Chief Sustainability Officer, NYC HPD
Lois Arena, Director, Passive House Services, Steven Winter Associates