Climate Ready Buildings Training
The Climate Ready Buildings Training is designed to educate affordable housing project teams – including building owners, architects, and contractors – on how to design and construct high-performance buildings that are resilient against the increasing pressures of climate change and align with NY’s climate goals.

Climate Ready Buildings Training is offered in both live in-person and on-demand formats. Visit our event calendar to register for an in-person session, or visit BE-Ex Ed, an e-learning platform from Building Energy Exchange, for an on-demand delivery.
about the training
The training is broken into five parts: Part 1 highlights local policies and codes that aim to mitigate the impact of climate change. Part 2 explores design and construction strategies to future-proof buildings against climate risks, improve occupant health, increase efficiency, and reduce operating costs. Part 3 underpins the importance of the integrative design process in achieving well-defined climate objectives, while staying on budget and schedule.
1. Crisis, Codes, Goals
2. Design & Construction
3. Integrative Design Process
Part 4a and 4b provide an overview of funding pathways, guidelines, and requirements, for project teams seeking funding from NYS Homes and Community Renewal (NYS HCR) and/or NYC Housing Preservation and Development (NYC HPD).
Projects pursuing NYC HPD funding must complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4B.
4a. Homes and Community Renewal
4b. Housing Preservation & Development
Press Release: Training Launch
Read the press releasepartners
This training was developed with support by New York State Energy & Research Authority (NYSERDA), and in partnership with NYC Housing Preservation & Development, NYS Homes and Community Renewal, and the NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice.