The Building Energy Exchange’s website is rich with resources, which is both a blessing and a curse. To help you navigate through our site we have created this guide that can lead you to some of our most useful and compelling content.


The mission of BEEx is to bring together members of our industry through exhibitions, education, demonstrations and research…  but what if you can’t make it to one of our events? Not to worry—we document the vast majority of our events through photography and video and provide access to the presentations whenever possible. We also provide links to resources relevant to the event topic. These can be found in the event media pages.

Here’s how to find it:

  1. At the top of BEEx’s homepage is a menu  with different icons (visit, events, resources, blog, support, about). Hover over the resources icon.
  2. A blue sub-menu will appear listing several resource options. Click on event media.
  3. That will take you to the event media page where boxes will appear labeled with the names of past events. Select whichever event you would like to learn about.
  4. You will then land on that event’s media page. Here you can find information like an event summary, a list of speakers and moderators, photographs, videos and additional resources.

Quick link:


We have an excellent resource filter that allows you to select information about specific building types (like commercial, multi-family, etc.) and project types (like retrofits, system upgrades, etc.). Additionally, you can delve even deeper into specific subjects to brush up on knowledge ranging anywhere from Codes & Regulations, to Daylighting, to Funding & Incentives.

Here’s how to find it:

  1. On the main menu of icons across the top of the page, CLICK on the RESOURCES icon which will take you to the resources home page.
  2. Below the large slideshow image there is a thin blue ribbon labeled FILTER RESOURCES. Click on that blue ribbon and a large drop-down menu will appear below it.
  3. There are three options to choose from. BUILDING TYPE, PROJECT TYPE, and CATEGORY serve as general filters on these topics and will provide any kind of event media or resource related to the topic.
  4. Topics under the CATEGORY page have an added option called LEARN MORE which will lead you to a page that provides general background information and history to orient you on the topic.

Quick link:


Press & Newsletters is the place for you!  Every two weeks BEEx publishes a newsletter that speaks about events we are hosting, lists new resources like case studies or research, promotes other organization’s events that our followers might be interested in, and discusses relevant current events in the news. Additionally, we have a press page that lists where BEEx is mentioned in the media world.

Here’s how to find it:

  1. On the main menu of icons across the top of the page, HOVER over the ABOUT icon.
  2. A green submenu will appear. Click on PRESS & NEWSLETTERS.
  3. That will bring you to a landing page that has both press and newsletters listed where you can click on either “VIEW OUR PRESS ITEMS” or “VIEW OUR PAST NEWSLETTERS”.
  4. These will bring you to the respective pages where press items or newsletters are listed by date and subject.
  5. In order to sign up for a newsletter, return to the homepage of BEEx’s website and enter your email address in the box on the middle right side of the page.

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