BE-Ex welcomes new Projects Associate, Regana Alicka, and Programs Associate, Becky Kalish to the team!

Regana Alicka

1. Share your favorite energy factoid 

Enough solar energy reaches Earth every hour to fill all the world’s energy needs for a year.

2. What energy conservation campaign would you start in your office or want to share with other offices?

Encouraging people to unplug their devices and take as many outdoor walking meetings as possible.

3. What are you currently reading?

I’m going back and forth between “Salvador” by Joan Didion and “Rubber and the Making of Vietnam: An Ecological History, 1897-1975” by Michitake Aso.

4. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?

Buying second hand clothing & furniture and eating plant-based.

5. What is your personal superpower? 

Somehow mentioning I’m from the Bronx in any conversation.


Becky Kalish

1. Share your favorite energy factoid

I recently discovered that Google accounts for roughly 0.013% of the world’s energy use, which is enough energy to power 200,000 homes!

2. What energy conservation campaign would you start in your office or want to share with other offices?

Offices naturally come equipped with a number of items that are plugged in, whether that be computers, lamps, chargers, space heaters, fridges, microwaves, or other such items. While unplugging some of these items would not make sense (such as many kitchen items), smaller items like chargers or lamps can and should be unplugged at the end of the day. We often forget that simply unplugging some things can end up saving a lot of energy. I think more office spaces should be reminded of this and we should know what should and should not be unplugged when leaving an office space.

3. What are you currently reading?

Ruth Reichl’s “Garlic and Sapphires.”

4. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?

Turning lights off and unplugging household items when I’m out of the house or on vacation are a couple of the things I do to reduce my carbon footprint at home. I also commit to recycling both paper and plastic items, and always try to remember to bring reusable grocery bags when I go food shopping. While it can sometimes be difficult, I aim to take showers that are not too long. I also make a point to keep the thermostat as low as possible in the winter, and only turn it up high on very cold days. One of the best things about New York City is that I can get around without needing a car—I feel this definitely aids in decreasing my carbon footprint since I can rely solely on public transportation and walking to get from place to place.

5. What is your personal superpower?

I have a magical superpower ability to play the viola and the violin! I started playing when I was 4 and still play to this day. I like to think of it as my secret superpower—people who see me on the street or in the subway would not know that I can play the viola/violin.

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