Wednesday March 24th, 2021
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Full video for "Multifamily Retrofits Playbooks Launch" on March 24, 2021
Download the Low Carbon Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks here >
To meet future stringent efficiency and carbon regulations, upgrades to buildings should be approached proactively and not in response to system failures or unexpected tenant turnover. Building owners should consider the advantages of long-term deep retrofit planning based on recommended performance targets that work in concert with the envelope, HVAC systems, water, lighting controls, and other systems. This holistic approach is critical to not only the performance of building systems but the heath and comfort of residents.
Join NYSERDA, Steven Winter Associates, and Building Energy Exchange for the launch of our much-anticipated set of Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks. This collaborative project includes recommended retrofit strategies for the core building systems of five common building typologies. Each playbook outlines the basic elements and challenges of the building type and selects an actual building to showcase the phasing of retrofit measures and resulting improvements to occupant comfort and energy use. Each set of recommendations measures support a transition from fuel-based to electricity-based heating, cooling, and hot water systems.
How do we meet the demands of a low carbon future using long term retrofit plans? How does a phased retrofit support utility cost reductions and operating cost savings? What are the recommended targets for high performing electricity-based heating, cooling, and hot water? These questions and more, including selections from the audience, and insights into the future of electrification, will be discussed by our esteemed panel.
Registrants will receive first access to the set of reports ahead of our March 24th launch.
Yetsuh Frank, Managing Director, Strategy & Programs, Building Energy Exchange
Emily Dean, Director of Market Development, NYSERDA
Simona Li, Senior Project Manager, NYSERDA
Lois Arena, Director of Passive House Services, Steven Winter Associates
Thomas Moore, Building Systems Analyst, Steven Winter Associates
Jordana Vasquez, Projects Manager, Building Energy Exchange
Jason Block, Sustainability Consultant, Steven Winter Associates
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