Tuesday September 29th, 2015
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Passive Landmark: A First for New York - Video Excerpt
Passive Landmark: A First for New York
Join the Building Energy Exchange for a presentation of the first Passive House certified project in a NYC landmark district. This recent retrofit led by Baxt Ingui Architects transformed a historic Brooklyn Heights brownstone into a Passive House certified gem, aligning the highest architectural preservation and environmental standards in a single project.
Passive House, the high-comfort, low-energy building standard, is enjoying a huge amount of attention in New York City policy circles. Featured in Mayor de Blasio’s climate action plan, One City: Built to Last, Passive House is gaining recognition as an effective strategy to massively reduce energy consumption in commercial and residential building sectors.
Key members, Michael Ingui of Baxt Ingui Architects and Kevin Brennan of Passive House Academy, will speak about the challenges encountered and creative solutions developed throughout the design, construction, and certification process. Other project team members will be on hand to discuss how their collaborative design process allowed them to refine a repeatable, systematic approach for applying the Passive House standard to masonry retrofit row house construction.
Michael Ingui, Baxt Ingui Architects
Kevin Brennan, Passive House Academy
Sam McAfee, Fentrend
Eoin Killeen, Kleen Construction