
Thermal Energy Networks: Invest in the Future of Heat


Sep 24th, 2024
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm


Building Energy Exchange and Online

Tickets Registration

To meet federal and state climate goals, we must improve how we heat and cool buildings. Thermal energy networks (TENs) offer a utility-scale option to bring buildings into a cleaner 21st century. These infrastructure projects support a skilled workforce and provide utilities, investors, and ratepayers with sustainable, long-term investments.

Innovative policies in New York, Massachusetts, and beyond are bringing TENs to the forefront as a scalable decarbonization solution. This panel, hosted by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Building Decarbonization Coalition, will explore the policy and investment momentum behind TENs. We’ll hear from diverse stakeholders and discuss future challenges and opportunities, with ample time for Q&A to engage directly with the experts.





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