Thursday April 1st, 2021
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Full Video from "WISE Ask Me Anything with Laurie Schoeman" on April 1, 2021
Please join us for a Women in Sustainability & Energy (WISE) Ask Me Anything with Laurie Schoeman, National Director of Resilience and Disaster Recovery at Enterprise Community Partners. Laurie will be answering questions about her career path, her role at Enterprise Community Partners, the impact of COVID-19 on her work, and more. Audience members will have the opportunity to submit live questions as well as written questions prior to the event.
Laurie Schoeman, National Director of Resilience and Disaster Recovery, Enterprise Community Partners
Laurie Schoeman is a leader in design and implementation of leading-edge programs focused on building climate adaptive housing and cities across around the nation. For the past eight years, she has led Enterprise Community Partners’ efforts to preserve and protect affordable housing across the nation from the risks and impacts of natural hazards and a changing climate. Her team assists CDCs, cities, states and the federal government in a wide range of communities across the nation to develop housing that can sustain impacts of natural hazards and incorporate innovative resiliency ideas, technical assistance, and advocacy support into post-event reconstruction of communities.
Katie Schwamb, Project Manager, Building Energy Exchange
To submit questions in advance, please email us. Attendees will also be able to submit live questions during the event.