Thursday April 14th, 2022
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Video recording of April 14th event, "50 Years of Sustainability – Looking Backward, Looking Forward."
50 Years of Sustainability – Looking Backward, Looking Forward
To celebrate its 50th year in business, Steven Winter Associates (SWA) is partnering with Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex) to present 50 years of past and future sustainability in the NYC area. Join in person or online for a series of presentations from local industry professionals sharing their perspectives of past and future sustainability initiatives and accomplishments.
Doors open at 5:30pm. Presentations will be held from 6:30-7:30pm. An informal networking reception will follow the speaking portion of the event.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about a 50-year historical retrospective of NYC sustainability initiatives.
- Hear projections for future sustainability developments from recognized construction industry experts.
- Learn about anticipated changes to the NYC Building Code’s energy and environmental requirements.
- Learn about sustainability financing for buildings at the NY Green Bank.
- Learn about decarbonization strategies and technology options for buildings
Richard Yancey, FAIA; Executive Director, Building Energy Exchange
Steven Winter, Chairman, Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
Marc Zuluaga, Co-CEO & Co-founder, Cadence OneFive
Gina Bocra, Chief Sustainability Officer, NYC Department of Buildings
Luke Falk, Vice President, energyRe
David Davenport, Managing Director, New York Green Bank
This is a hybrid in-person/online event. Space is limited. If joining in-person, you will be asked upon entry to show your in-person ticket and proof of full COVID-19 vaccination (via Excelsior Pass or other proof of vaccination). Virtual attendance to this event is also available – you may choose to join and participate via Zoom webinar.