Our Work
The Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex) connects New York City’s real estate and design communities to energy and lighting efficiency solutions through education, exhibitions, technology demonstrations, and research.
Come visit our space in downtown Manhattan, open 9 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday.
BE-Ex conducts professional trainings targeted at every type of building decision maker. We run symposia focused on stakeholder engagement, and we hold topical events every month.
BE-Ex produces reports that turn data into action. We write case studies with clear, critical lessons, and we run campaigns that engage international communities.
Our exhibits are hands-on experiences that educate about energy efficiency, display advanced technology, and inspire action.
Our Team
Our dedicated staff and board promote energy efficient technologies, applications and processes through a comprehensive range of industry-leading training programs and projects.

Our Supporters
Building Energy Exchange memberships are for design, building industry, energy, and real estate organizations who are forward-looking supporters of the quality and sustainability of New York’s built environment. Our members renew on an annual basis and confer membership on firm employees and staff.
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