Thursday September 20th, 2018
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Designing an Energy Efficiency Master Plan: A Spotlight on FIT- Video Excerpt
Join the Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex) and the NYC Department of Administrative Services’ Division of Energy Management (DCAS DEM) for an in-depth look at how the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) cut their energy use and carbon emissions by 50% over the last twelve years, using an energy efficiency master plan. FIT’s long-term approach to efficiency planning offers valuable lessons for buildings of all types and sizes.
BE-Ex will kick off the event with a brief overview of our recent case study on FIT’s master plan and energy upgrades, which have yielded an impressive $3 million in annual savings. Members of the FIT project team and administration will then discuss the college’s capital planning process, energy upgrades completed to date, lessons learned, and next steps in their project pipeline. Officials from DCAS DEM will also be on hand to discuss the agency’s role in supporting FIT’s work, as well as funding opportunities available for eligible municipal properties.
Following the program, the conversation will continue with a wine and beer reception.
Sherry Brabham, Treasurer & VP for Finance and Administration, FIT
Helen Chananie, Project Associate, Building Energy Exchange
Richard Meillan, Partner, Kallen & Lemelson
Dumitru Negoiu, Engineer, Kallen & Lemelson
Albert Palmaccio, Director Physical Plant, ABM at FIT
Ellen Zielinski, Deputy Assistant Commissioner, NYC DCAS –Division of Energy Management
Rebecca Isacowitz, Manager, NYC DCAS– Division of Energy Management
This program is offered in partnership with NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services – Division of Energy Management.