Wednesday October 26th, 2022
9:00 am to 10:30 am

High Rise / Low Carbon: Advanced Ventilation Goes Mainstream

Building Energy Exchange and NYSERDA are pleased to host a High Rise / Low Carbon Series event focused on the advanced technology and benefits of modern ventilation systems used in high performance building retrofits.

Long a neglected system within buildings, few components have a more profound impact on comfort, health and efficiency than ventilation systems. With so many systems poorly installed and with maintenance so often neglected, ventilation systems in previous eras were often seen as the source of problems and little else.

But today, a mixture of technological advancements and the migration of products from other markets places highly efficient systems that provide exemplary air quality and comfort within reach of virtually every building. The days of balancing indoor air quality against energy use are over, with modern systems decoupling ventilation from cooling, utilizing high performance energy recovery ventilation (ERVs), and dedicated outside air systems (DOAS) that allow for high volumes of fresh air while drastically limiting the loss of heat and humidity. Decoupling ventilation from the heating and cooling systems is a key element of the Resource Efficient Decarbonization (RED) framework and a critical phase in producing low carbon buildings with the highest quality indoor environments. RED is a framework developed by NYSERDA alongside the Empire Building Challenge partners and provides a clear roadmap to a low carbon future for large buildings.

Join critical leaders in this field as they discuss how these innovative ventilation systems are addressing critical needs across all segments of the building sector, while also providing the foundation for full electrification.

Daniel Bersohn, Associate, BuroHappold Engineering
Benjamin Rodney, Vice President, Construction, U.S. East Region, Hines

Benjamin Rodney, Vice President, Construction, U.S. East Region, Hines

Vinca Bonde, Sales Director, Energy Machines
Grace Kolb,  Mechanical Engineer, AKF Group
Tony Abate, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, AtmosAir
Dr. Marwa Zaatari, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, Partner at D-ZINE Partners, enVerid Systems Advisory Board Member


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