BE-Ex welcomes new Project Associate Grennan Milliken to the team! 

Grennan Milliken (he/him) grew up in the Fingers Lakes region of Upstate New York, hiking and camping in the summers, and sledding and eating maple syrup in the winters. He previously worked in journalism in New York City and Washington DC, reporting on environmental concerns like pollution and climate change before getting his master’s degree in climate science from Columbia University. Throughout this period, he also worked as a brewer and touring musician with stints spent in Europe and Tanzania. Grennan enjoys reading, watching his favorite soccer team lose, and long-distance running.

1. Share your favorite energy factoid 

The average New York City resident emits only about a third of the carbon per year that the average American does.

2. What are you currently reading?

We Were Eight Years in Power by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay.

3. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?

I am lucky enough, living in New York City, that I don’t need to use a car. I do not eat pork and beef. I use energy efficient light bulbs. I try to buy secondhand products.


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