BE-Ex welcomes new Education & Engagement Associate, Stephanie Le to the team!


Stephanie Le

Stephanie was born and raised in Saint Louis, Missouri. Her interest in the complexity of environmental issues led her to study the intersections between climate change, sociology, and media at NYU, where she received a B.A. in an individualized major (titled Environmental Communications & the Sociology of Climate Change) and a minor in Chinese. In her free time, Stephanie enjoys reading, journaling, and trying out cafes around NYC!

1. Share your favorite energy factoid

I once learned that sheep can play a role in clean energy production through a practice called solar grazing! On certain solar farms, sheep are used to keep vegetation low (thus keeping solar panels out of the shade), and when they are involved in rotational grazing, the sheep also help sequester carbon and increase soil health.

2. What are you currently reading?

Eat Like a Fish: My Adventures Farming the Ocean to Fight Climate Change — Bren Smith
Bright Young Women — Jessica Knoll

3. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?

In addition to walking and taking public transportation whenever possible, I try my best to be conscious of my consumption habits by purchasing my clothes secondhand, reducing my meat and dairy intake, and taking care of my belongings in order to extend their life cycle.


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