Michael Daschle, Senior Vice President, Sustainability, Brookfield Properties is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the national sustainability program for over 70M square feet of Class A office properties in major markets across the United States. He also co-chairs the company’s global Renewable Energy Advisory Committee. Prior to his current role at Brookfield, he worked in the New York Asset Management group, where he managed business planning and strategy for approximately ten million square feet of Class A office space.
1. Share your favorite energy factoid.
I’m a huge fan of nuclear energy and I find it particularly fascinating to compare the amount of fuel it would take to generate a lifetime’s worth of energy between nuclear and other traditional fossil fuels. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, an egg-sized amount of uranium fuel provides more than enough power for an individual’s lifetime energy use. One would need about 88 tons of coal to get the same amount of energy…
2. What energy conservation campaign would you start in your office or want to share with other offices?
I would love to see offices consolidate after-hours space usage to prevent having to heat, cool, and light entire floors for a handful of people.
3. What are you currently reading?
I recently found a fascinating book called “Material World” by Ed Conway that describes the six materials that shape modern civilization (sand, salt, iron, copper, oil, and lithium). With today’s focus on supply chain emissions and natural systems impact, the story behind how we get these materials and use them to make our world is such a great topic to learn more about.
4. What are some ways you reduce your carbon footprint at home?
I channel my inner Jimmy Carter and turn down my thermostat, preferring to wear more comfortable layers rather than adjust the temperature. I’m also a composting advocate at home and work, preventing as much food waste as possible from being trucked to landfills.
5. What is your personal superpower?
I have an insatiable desire to learn and the more complex the more interesting I find certain topics. For example, I knew nothing about energy markets two years ago and now am responsible for energy procurement for our national portfolio of about 115 office properties. I just find it fascinating and jumped right in.