Tuesday May 11th, 2021
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Full video for "Climate Mobilization Act Series: Applying for LL97 Adjustments" on May 11, 2021
As announced by the NYC Department of Buildings, applications are now open for adjustments to annual emissions limits under Local Law 97. DOB also recently issued guidelines on the application process, including detailed technical requirements. With application deadlines of this June and July, stakeholders must move quickly to understand the application requirements, map out a timeline, and optimize applications for eligible buildings.
Please join us for a discussion with policy and technical experts about how to prepare and submit successful LL97 adjustment applications. Our speakers will provide an overview of the application requirements and address common questions and challenges that may arise throughout the application process.
Opening Remarks
Donna de Costanzo, Director, Eastern Region, Climate & Clean Energy Program, NRDC
Yetsuh Frank, Managing Director, Strategy & Programs, Building Energy Exchange
Alexis Saba, Associate, Sive, Paget & Riesel
Simon Mugo, Deputy Program Manager, NYC Accelerator
Gina Bocra, Chief Sustainability Officer, NYC Department of Buildings
Francisco Arias, Energy + Performance, AKF Group
This event is part of our Climate Mobilization Act Series, with support from the Natural Resources Defense Council and in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and the NYC Accelerator. More information on the BE-Ex CMA series, including other events, blog posts and CMA resources can be found here.
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