2024: A Year to Celebrate

by Richard Yancey, Chief Executive Officer, Building Energy Exchange

What an inspiring way to start the year!  We kicked off 2024 with Celebrate BE-Ex! A Decade of Excellence, hosting a lively, sold-out celebration of the accomplishments our organization and community have made since 2009. The evening connected old and new friends and honored some of the outstanding people who have contributed to the success of Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex). The program timeline showcased our fifteen years of initiatives, resources, programs, awards and global impact.  Each distinguished speaker highlighted BE-Ex’s pivotal role in transforming not only New York’s buildings, but also those around the world. (Event photos here.)

So much has changed since 2009. We’ve gone from an unfunded idea to a talented team that has established the Building Energy Exchange as an innovative international hub that is a model for other cities. We’ve already helped launch building resource hubs in Washington DC, St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago, Denver, Vancouver, with more in the pipeline.

Celebrate BE-Ex! was also a reminder of what an amazing community we have around us.  Success is a collective achievement. In addition to the amazing Champions we honored that night, we have incredible industry partners, a pioneering board, and an amazing, hardworking, and dedicated staff.

As 2024 progressed, we continued to drive our mission forward, developing 68 incredible events attended by over 3,000 building decision-makers; reaching over 5,000 listeners through our Radio BE-Ex podcast; and we hosted nearly 150,000 sessions on our resource-rich website. And to highlight just a few major resource milestones:

2024 also marked the 10th annual Daylight Hour social media campaign. Over 600 offices from 29 countries participated by dimming the lights in over 17.5 million SF of daylit office space around the world, sharing their participation on social media.

So, here’s to 2024 and all we accomplished, together.

Looking forward, our Women in Sustainability and Energy (WISE) series will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2025, marking a decade of producing sold-out events featuring 115+ women leaders, attracting 3,300+ industry professionals, and engaging 500,000+ on social media.

Clearly, we’re all facing headwinds and uncertainty in 2025. But our amazing community of doers, leaders, and learners gives me tremendous hope and inspiration. Together, we embark on another year of action and excellence, accelerating the transformation of our built environment to meet the climate challenge, shaping a better tomorrow for generations to come.

My favorite Margaret Mead quote seems particularly apt in these uncertain and turbulent times: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Thank you all very much for all the work you do.





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