Decarbonizing New York City Offices Project
Supported by NYSERDA, Decarbonizing New York City Offices is an initiative dedicated to reducing carbon emissions in leased commercial spaces.
Explore the suite of actionable resources designed to help commercial real estate stakeholders at critical phases of the leasing cycle.

Climate Ready Buildings Training
The Climate Ready Buildings Training is designed to educate affordable housing project teams – including building owners, architects, and contractors – on how to design and construct high-performance buildings that are resilient against the increasing pressures of climate change and align with NY’s climate goals.

High Rise | Low Carbon Multifamily
As we reach the first compliance period of NYC’s groundbreaking 2019 legislation to curb carbon emissions, Local Law 97 (LL97), and look ahead to the law’s second compliance period, in 2030, when over 60% of covered multifamily buildings will need to reduce their emissions to avoid an annual penalty, this report—developed in partnership with Level Infrastructure, Sustainable Energy Partnerships, and NYSERDA—explores several key retrofit questions.

Heat Pump Planner
Need help determining the heat pump system that might be best for your home? Our Heat Pump Planner tool will help you learn more about heat pump technology, the types available, installation and operation costs, and questions to ask an installer.

Decarbonization Roadmap for Multifamily Affordable Housing
This manual provides a decarbonization roadmap for affordable housing in New York City, charting the path to Local Law 97 compliance, reduced energy costs, and improved resident health, safety, and comfort.