Wednesday April 29th, 2020
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Full video of "Climate Mobilization Act Series: Staircase to Electrification [WEBCAST]" on April 29, 2020
While the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, in-person programs at the Building Energy Exchange are postponed. Please join us for this live online event. Streaming details will be sent via Zoom to registered participants prior to the event.
Join the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Building Energy Exchange for the latest installment in our Climate Mobilization Act Series: Staircase to Electrification—a live online event. Like all sectors of the economy, the building sector must move toward replacing fossil fuels with electricity. There are solutions available to achieve this, but the process and timing of these changes will vary dramatically across different building typologies. What are the primary challenges faced by the major typologies of New York City buildings? Where should each begin this process, and what technologies will help the sector achieve these steps? What is the likely role of on-site generation and energy storage? These questions and more will be addressed by our highly esteemed panel of speakers.
Mark Zuluaga, Chief Executive Officer, Steven Winter Associates
Charles Marino, Director of Energy Services, AKF Engineers
Lindsay Robbins, Director, Healthy People & Thriving Communities Program, Natural Resources Defense Council
Vanessa Ulmer, Senior Advisor, NYSERDA
William Xia, Program Manager, Electrification and Gas Alternatives, Con Edison
Yetsuh Frank, Building Energy Exchange
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