Building Energy Exchange is delighted to announce the promotions of Adrienne La Forte from Associate, Educational Resources to Senior Associate, Educational Resources; Kaylee McGowan, from Associate, Education & Engagement to Senior Associate, Education & Engagement; and Hailey Moll from Senior Associate, Educational Resources to Manager, Educational Resources.

Adrienne La Forte

During her year at BE-Ex, Adrienne La Forte has been an integral part of the Educational Resources team, assisting in all aspects of resource creation.

Adrienne has spearheaded the Climate Ready Buildings Training, producing content and ensuring smooth training deliveries for hundreds of participants. She also played a vital role in the development of resources for the Future Housing Initiative’s Underwriting Standards for Low-Carbon Housing project, helping to create a Guidebook and Action Plans. Aside from developing resources, Adrienne expertly manages the BE-Ex Ed online e-learning platform, constructing and monitoring online training courses.

Adrienne successfully planned and executed the Pratt Ice Box Challenge: Tomorrow’s High Performance Designers exhibit, highlighting the work of Pratt students to demonstrate the benefits of high-performance design. Finally, she leads many aspects of the Women in Sustainability and Energy (WISE) series programming, including the recent WISE Sustainable Career Showcase and Radio BE-Ex podcast episodes.


Kaylee McGowan

In less than a year, Kaylee McGowan’s proficiency in overseeing BE-Ex’s public-facing presence and leading the marketing and delivery of educational programs has been critical to the organization’s outreach and engagement efforts. She actively liaises across BE-Ex’s ever-growing network, fostering relationships with high-profile organizations and agencies both locally and internationally.

Kaylee has continuously ensured meticulous and smooth deliveries for numerous in-person, hybrid and remote events and programs since joining the Exchange last summer, e.g., the milestone ten-year anniversary Celebrate BE-Ex! event and recent International Pathways events: The Future of Heat – Thermal Energy Networks & NYC-Stockholm Retrofit Exchange.

Kaylee’s management of all communication channels, including the BE-Ex website, social media platforms, bi-weekly newsletter and dedicated e-blasts, has resulted in a growing mailing list, increased social media following and greater event registrations.

Beyond these skills, Kaylee is known for her tireless work ethic and demonstrated reliability, consistently going the extra mile to deliver outstanding results and support her colleagues.


Hailey Moll

In her short tenure thus far at BE-Ex, Hailey Moll has underpinned herself as a critical member of the BE-Ex team, providing meaningful contributions to BE-Ex’s educational series, resources, development initiatives, and strategic organizational growth.

Hailey has been central to the continued expansion of BE-Ex’s Local Law 97 education and training, swiftly generating a new suite of affordable housing-focused resources and free training series. Most recently, Hailey played a vital role in the development of the Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings and a community workshop series on electrification for District 33 residents in Brooklyn.

Hailey is quickly establishing herself as a leader in the organization, serving as a confident voice through BE-Ex’s Women in Sustainability and Energy Series, moderating panel events and contributing to BE-Ex Radio, as well through industry events such as NESEA BuildingEnergy NYC. Hailey’s new role expands her involvement in BE-Ex’s educational resource development and organizational leadership.

Congratulations to Adrienne, Kaylee, and Hailey on all their important contributions to the organization. We look forward to their continued success!

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